
Effective Remarketing Campaign for Law Firms

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Reaching out to your existing can help DOUBLE your number of leads at a fraction of cost. Retarget your visitors, before somebody else snatches your Prospects!

Legal Customers Act Fast!

Remarketing for a law firm is a law firm’s secret way to reconnect with the people who have bounced/exited from your website. Not all clients will fill the form or schedule an appointment on their first visit to your site, but they may be the potential leads. An efficient re-marketing campaign can make these prospects to engage with us again and can boost the ROI of your digital marketing efforts.

Missing the re-marketing strategy is directly proportional to missing opportunities. Are you not sure about remarketing?. Have you ever seen the ads of the product, you had already surfed at online? The same product? Online advertising is a process of evaluating people’s intention based on their activity, and then assisting them ads for related products and services in response. We help you how remarketing works & show you how law firms can use retargeting to acquire more clients online.

How Does Remarketing Work?

Remarketing is simple to set up. Lawyers using web and Facebook retargeting ads can cherish an effective advertising method. Retargeting not only saves your budget but also help you to focus on the people who are interested in your legal services. You can use services like Google AdWords or Perfect Audience or AdRoll to reach Google’s display network.

The below image shows the reach of Google display network reach in the US

Source: Wordstream

Who Should Use Remarketing?

Let’s say you are a contract lawyer. Someone who is in need of a contract lawyer may land in your website and after some time may decide to shop around. They get occupied and forget. A few days later the impression of your logo and face appear, which can make the business win using remarketing. It’s significant for you to set a retargeting campaign with the targeted set of audience.

Why Should You Use Remarketing?

Retargeting is a powerful online marketing strategy which allows you to stay connected with your potential audience, even after they come out of your site. It helps you to build your brand and convey your message many times before they develop trust. Display ads, respective to remarketing or just getting viewed in the websites where your customers hang out are cost-effective, but the click-through rates of the remarketing ads will be comparatively higher than the display ads. You can create your first remarketing campaign even using Google ads.

Creating Banner Ads for Google AdWords Remarketing

When you retarget on the Google Display Network, you can create ads including texts, images, gif, or rich media. You can design ads of your own with the message you want to convey, or you can also try using existing templates available in free Google Display Ad Builder. It also allows you to select the different sizes and formats. The image added below shows the different sizes of the banner.

Facebook Retargeting Ads For Lawyers

You can also target potential clients using Facebook retargeting ads for lawyers. The users of Facebook are your future clients. The statistic reveals information about the social networking source in the US as of July 2018. The given statistics clearly show the channel where your future clients can be found.

Source: Statista

Facebook Retargeting Strategy for Law Firms

Now you would have come under a conclusion about retargeting, as well as the process behind it. Let’s apply the same concept of retargeting using the Facebook channel for your law firm. Few firms are already implementing retargeting as a part of their marketing strategy, but you can drive impressive results from it when advertising for your law firm by keeping the ethical rules in mind.

Install Facebook “Pixel”:

Installing the Facebook tracking pixel is the first step you have to do on your website. The tracking pixel tracks the visitors of your website and drops the cookie that would help to retarget them. You can easily place the tracking pixel on your site by simply copying/pasting the script from FB advertising account to your website’s header. You can also get help by reading the instructions about the tracking pixel given here.

Choose Your Objective:

You can select the ad types based on your particular goals. Your goal may vary from getting people to your site to increase the engagement or to making them install your mobile app. Being a law firm, your goal is to make the people contact you or schedule a consultation. You can choose “Lead Generation”. Choosing “Lead Generation” as a goal works well and also helps you to pull the metrics of the clients namely name, email and contact number automatically from their profile. This process is particularly efficient on mobile where filling out forms is more tiresome.

Build An Audience:

The next step is to build the audience. You have to log into your Ads account and go to “Audience”. Facebook allows you to target a specific group of people using its powerful tool. If you are a local firm, you can choose which city you are in, employment, the marital status, level of income, and other kinds of combinations. You can also upload a list of contact you want to target. Or, you can even merge your contacts with the custom audience to target. Once you complete the stage of building an audience, you are almost ready to set the ad, which will be displayed whenever they browse other channels namely Facebook, Instagram & other advertising networks. After selecting the audience, you have to decide your daily budget & you can schedule when your ads should be shown.

Create your ad:

Your retargeting efforts will be fruitful only when you have a compelling message or image which recaptures the attention of your audience. Before creating your ad, it’s significant to have a plan like, why should they return to your site? Or What do you want them to do? Your retargeting ad has to catch people’s eye and should pull them back to your website. Take a look at the sample below:

As mentioned earlier, if you chose Lead generation as your objective, you can create a form that people will fill to contact you. You can refer to the image given below.

Make sure your form is short and more reluctant to submit. You can also create a headline and can explain why people should fill it. The headline should be compelling, such as “Schedule Free Consultation”. Once you completed, place your order to publish. After the review process, Facebook will approve it, and your campaign will be running.

Last Line:

Now you would have come under a conclusion what retargeting is and how could you effectively run it. An effective retargeting campaign, particularly for a law firm is a powerful law firm marketing strategy you can use that encourage the people to contact you or fill your form. Using this retargeting advertising method, you can make your firm stay in the minds of people who visited your website and also improve your website’s conversion rate drastically.

Want to know more? You are one step ahead. Contact now to drive more traffic and get the leads to start funnelling in.