
6 Techniques To Skyrocket Your Law Firm’s Campaign Performance

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Google Adwords is an advertising service by Google to convert website visitors into prospects for your law firm. It can help you to be noticed by interested customers. Google AdWords for your law firm will increase your ROI and the quality of leads.

Adwords alone has a strong potential to improve your law firm.

Up to 80% of search results now, include Google AdWords placements, and they are covering nearly 85% of the space above the fold on the SERP.

You can get a good deal from Adwords if you have a clear understanding of the basics and managing it in the right way.

I assure you that by the end of the article, you will have a complete understanding of Adwords and how it works.

Let’s jump on to have a clear understanding.

1. Concentrate on long tail keywords

The head terms like “lawyer” and “attorney” are astronomically outrageous and only the largest firms can afford to race in that arena.

Rather than being general on Adwords, You can focus on other plenty of opportunities to exploit keywords. Focus on long-tail keywords and body keywords to include in a query.

Now you would have a basic understanding of the search volume and conversion rate for the “head” terms and “long tail keywords”.

Head Keywords: Head terms like “lawyers” or “attorneys” have high competition.

Body Keywords: “Brain injury lawyer”, has 2 – 3 words which are specific and attracts the good search volume.

Long Tail Keywords: Long keywords are more specific with 4+ words namely “Brain injury lawyer free consult”.

You can more likely attract your potential clients interested in your services by targeting the long tail keyword. It may also obtain the terms you are bidding for more feasible, rather than the main keywords everyone opts for.

Think specific niche of your practice areas to generate more revenue for you.

2. Get competitive with negative keywords

Negative keywords help you to keep your campaigns & ad groups directed to reach the right prospects. On the Display Network, your ad is less likely to perform on a website when your negative keywords match the website’s content.

In general, negative keywords are those terms for which you don’t want your ad to show up.

You can choose your list of negative keywords excluding a variety of purposes like provinces or cities outside of your specific region, terms relevant to jobs or careers, low-quality terms like cheap or free or undesirable terms.

Through negative keywords, you can acquire quality leads instead of wasting money on certain undesirable searches.

3. Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Dynamic keyword insertion(DKI) is an incredible feature offered in Google Ads, to the advertisers to customize their ad in the paid search campaigns. It dynamically inserts your listed keywords in the group, to your ad text if it matches the customer’s search term.

It’s best described with an example.

Suppose your law firm specializes in criminal defence New York, and you have an ad group that promotes DUI Lawyers New York. The results may appear like a below-added screenshot.

One ad can have many variations, therefore, appears differently depending on the user’s search query. It’s simple to implement and very effective method to optimize your campaign. DKI allows you to have multiple keywords in the ad group, and serve all keywords relevant to the search term of the user in a single ad.

Remember you are allowed to bid for your competing law firms names in keywords but not allowed to display them in ad copy.

4. Exploit an Effective Keyword Bidding Strategy

The cost-effectiveness of running AdWords relies on your progress at keyword bidding. Having a clear-cut idea of what to target and how much to bid will increase the cost-effectiveness.

With keyword bidding, you have alternatives like targeting the CPA, where Google alters the keywords bids via its algorithm to satisfy your quoted cost per lead, targeting the position where your bid is altered to gain a spot on the first page of SERP.

Your bidding is firmly drawn to your budget. You should bear in mind that bidding for first position or too high can easily eat away your daily budget fastly. It ultimately means that you are ending up paying more than your competitors for the same quality clicks. Sometimes it works even when you are in the 2-4 position with ads. Not all the people click on the first ad they see.

5. Bid on your own branded term

Though you already rank in the search engine result page for your brand, it doesn’t mean you should not advertise for the same terms.

If you don’t bid on your brand terms, you might have a chance of facing “brand-jacking”. Your competitors might use your brand name in their ad group.

Also, keep in mind that you pay less than your competitor if you bid for your own brand. Such way of bidding helps you to defend your brand in Google’s SERP.

6. Use a mixture of keyword match types

Since all keywords are not equal, you can group them based on their matches. Match varieties for keywords can be

Broad match:

You can use broad match keywords if your search campaign is from scratch. Broad match allows a keyword trigger your ad to display whenever some search for similar phrases, misspellings, plural forms, and other variations.
Example Keyword: Family lawyer
Example keyword: Child custody lawyers

Broad Match Modified:

You can use + sign along with your keyword to modify the broad match keyword. Ads may show on hunts that involve changed broad match keywords in any order.

Example keyword: family +lawyer
Example search: family attorney

Phrase match:

It shows ad only when someone searches for the exact phrase or close variations including singular & plural forms, misspellings, acronyms, and accents.

Example keyword: “family lawyer”
Example search: family lawyer in Houston

Exact match:

Ads may show on searches that meet the exact term or are close variations of that exact term. Close variations here may also involve a reordering of words if it doesn’t change the meaning, and the addition or removal of function words like prepositions, articles, & other words that don’t influence the intent of a search

Example keyword: [criminal lawyer]
Example search: criminal lawyer


Adwords can be a powerful tool in generating a consecutive stream of qualified leads for your law firms. You can implement the above-mentioned techniques or better get help from the experts at Law Firm Marketing to get benefit from the exposure and visibility in search results.